ti madame

A Queen (in the making)

Tag: Friends

Amazing 25th…

IMG_6927My family came down to visit and my oh my was I excited. Being away from them is no easy task, so it’s always great to see them. The occasion was my birthday. We had a small get together for dinner and cake and then watched Annie, on my living room floor. IMG_6928

On February 7th 2015, I turned 25, which is weird to say all unto itself, seeing as how just the other day I was turning 21. In some ways I still feel extremely young and  in others I feel extremely old. In some ways I feel so accomplished and in others I feel so panicky for not being further along. But that’s life, isn’t it?

Well now, thanks to family and love, I had an incredibly  perfect little party to look back on fondly, much thanks to my cousin Sabrina and my niece. I was in shock to actually have family in my home sharing my energy and all, it was a great evening. Situations as such is why I love photography. I wished we had a photographer that night, to capture all the memories.

Thank you so much, Sabrina, for the most thoughtful birthday anyone has ever done for me.IMG_6944

…and to you I say thanks for stopping by and sharing my journey!!IMG_6915

With Love,


Dinner & Friends…

IMG_6820Dinner was amazing. Prepared and served by a professional chef and his staff, dinner was delightful. We had lots of wine, lots of food and lots of laughs. IMG_6800 IMG_6801 IMG_6803 IMG_6806 IMG_6811 IMG_6818 IMG_6778My dress can be purchased at http://www.ruechavannes.bigcartel.com

With Love,


Chile…I miss you

From Argentina we stopped in Chile for a few days, before flying back to Miami. Please enjoy the pictures.

With Love,

Escape to DC…

IMG_4562Wow… I finally made it to DC, definitely a great place to visit. It was a real short trip, since I went for work and not pleasure. My experience has been crazy and fun, to say the least. I am so thankful for having had the chance to go on this trip. I got to be around some great company and ate some really good food. I hope to be back soon with more time to enjoy everything DC has to offer.IMG_4541IMG_4543IMG_4545IMG_4550IMG_4567

With Love,


Something New…

Lemonade made with ginger, honey and VODKA…IMG_4451Indoor picnics…what a grand idea. Are picnics strictly for lunch? not sure…either way they are amazing. I prepared everything and it’s delicious, but my most prized possession has to be the Honey Ginger lemonade spiked with Vodka…This is a great idea for when you have company over. Vodka brings conversations and I Love To Listen…

With Love,


Sunday Afternoon at the W Hotel…

1011836_10151549311369947_1944761104_n  Afternoons by the pool are a must.   It turns out that the W Hotel Midtown ATL  has this wonderful little event called “Silent Sundays”. On Sundays there’s no DJ or parties just music, food, drinks, the pool and wonderful company. Needless to say, I will  be returning. Everything from the service, to the water, to the food was right on point. It was the perfect choice for relaxing with girlfriends.

Cabanas are available for $200 and accommodates up to 8 people or so. It was only 3 of us, so we opted against it. For lunch, i had hot Wings with ranch dressing  and shared a pitcher of the Peach Drink.  the peach slices marinate in vodka all day…yess…heaven. My friend had the Kobe Sliders and she was quiet pleased. If you valet park, your parking will be validated, once you’re ready to leave and of course you must have had spent at least $25.oo. All in all it was a great time.

188 14th Street, NE Atlanta, Georgia 30361 United States


Girls Who Dine…

DSC01641I spent some time in Buckhead, today. I linked up with a couple of friends and went out to dinner. While I was there, I kept having this overwhelming sense of gratitude for the way life  is turning out. Things are far from perfect. I have a long road to travel to reach the place, where I would be completely satisfied… but lately, I’m realizing that maybe that place is right here and right now. I’m trying to come to an area of security in myself so that I may accept others openly and enjoy life fully. Ultimately,  I think that’s what would make the difference… that’s what would turn the road into the destination. I would love to be so secure in myself that I’m able to enjoy every moment in everyday and see the good in everything bad. Personally, I think that’s what makes a life worthy. The ability to be secure enough to hold on to what matters and release the rest, to focus on light and reject darkness, would make the biggest difference on existing and living. On that note , hope you had a happy Wednesay…One more day ’till the weekend.

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Bring It On 2013

1st pictures

A brand new year awaits us, and like many of you I find myself wondering what I will do with this year. Everyone is given the same amount of hours and minutes in a day and yet some of us manage to do so much more. Some will cook healthy meals, go to the gym, work an extra job or start a business, build friendships , grow, change, love, learn. And others manage to do absolutely nothing and just drift along like a plastic bag in the wind, barely making it through. I would say I’m right in the middle of the two extreme and in a desperate need to get to the busy side. This year I want to turn a new leaf when it comes to that…this year I need to be different. This blog is one of the steps I’ve taken to keep me active and accountable; I’ve also gotten myself a planer, sticky notes…Just bright neon stickies all over my bathroom mirror.TinaandI                  My friend and co-worker, Tina and I 1st picture of the new year.

So what shall I change this year? Well first I’m making a commitment to blog as often as possible. I will also work on getting a few sponsors and such (hopefully).I also plane on getting healthy and eating super healthy. So far I’ve started scheduling doctors’ appointments for regular checkups and such. I’m also pretty active In the gym [I go to LA Fitness], but I need to up the antics if I want to see changes.
I want to take on the challenge of starting my own online business this year and also get super focus on school. I could list a million things, a million goals a whole bucket least, really, but my goals aren’t your problem. The point is, we got to make 2013 a freaking success, alright?
What will this year hold for you?